
Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form. We will respond promptly to your questions and requests.


For frequently asked questions, please see the FAQ page. Checking the FAQ in advance will ensure a smooth service. We have posted answers to a variety of questions, so please take a look.

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This site is aimed at businesses.
If you are an individual, please contact us using the inquiry form.

All suggested retail prices in stores will be open.
This product is mainly sold at 100 yen shops, so please understand that the actual price is 100 yen (excluding tax).

The minimum order quantity is per box.
(Example) If the quantity is 10, the minimum order quantity is 10 units per box.
It cannot be sold in units of one.

Shipping costs vary depending on the region.
For details, please check the "Information Pursuant to the Specified Commercial Transactions Act" in the footer.

No, it is not possible.
As this product is sold in boxes (bags), we are unable to accept requests for specific colors.
Assorted products: A box contains products of different colors or patterns.
(Example) SH-570 Stainless Steel Scissors ⇒ Contains 5 each of pink and blue body colors.
Color-mixed products: Products that contain different color specifications.
(Example) 3P of 288 4-core 3-color ballpoint pens => 1 each of the 3 rubber grip colors: black, blue, and gray.

As a general rule, please contact us for orders of 20,000 units or more.
However, since most of our products are manufactured at overseas subcontract factories, it takes at least three months from the time of official order to delivery.
Please also note that we may not be able to accept your request depending on the time of year.

Yes, we can. However, we cannot ship to private residences.

Please contact us using the inquiry form.